OBJECTIVE: Create various items (water bottle, cans, iphone, and beer bottles) using the 3d modeling software cinema 4d. After familiarizing with the program, model these objects with correct color and lighting then design logos, labels, or any packaging to go along with said items. Objects should appear realistic and look almost photographic.
PROCESS: The first step in creating any of these pieces was to get familiar with 3d modeling and how to make objects appear realistic. After models were made, textures and lighting were added. The actual designing of labels and packaging had to be quick since most of the time was committed to creating the objects in cinema 4d. All my items have a similar look in regards to labels and logos. I wanted each item to look clean and contemporary. The process of building these objects in a 3d program is a valuable skill that will be useful in future projects but I tended to focus on the designs and how each object could be molded to fit each design. As designers we sometimes don’t have creative control over containers or boxes but by using the 3d program we were given that creative control and I think the results proved to be successful.
California Mountain Water
Water bottle and logo design for California Mountain Water using 3D modeling software.
Scotch Lager Beer and Box
Bottle, box, logo, and packaging design for Burst Apart Brewery using 3D modeling software.
Fresh Organic Can Food
Can and label design for Fresh Organic.