OBJECTIVE: Choose a current or future fictitious client and build a brand book around them. Create a brandbook that Includes The following: Cover, Table of Contents, Brand Essence Statement – Including 5 Guiding Principles of the Brand, Photography Standards and Guidelines, Logo Creation with four versions – Horizontal, Vertical, On-Line, Lock Up, Type usage in action in at least two layouts, Color palette and color usage, Materials palette and additional design elements palette, and a process statement.
PROCESS: At first I had trouble choosing a company I thought needed re-branding. I originally planned to use the guitar company fender but then stumbled upon AXL Guitars who were a smaller local company. I began with a contemporary color palette was vibrant and backed with angled lines as a pattern. The typography used is all sans serif and usually always white. I wanted the company to appear modern and approachable and because I used such bold colors combined with simple eye catching typography, I think I achieved that goal.