
Take What You Need

04/18/15: Take What You Need

Life is horrible and stupid and sometimes things happen and we need a reminder that things will work out and get better because being sad and grumpy doesn't help anyone. I hope these make someone feel better for whatever situation they're going through because I just really want people to be happy, everyone deserves to be happy!

For When You're Heartbroken - "Continue to share your heart with people even if it has been broken"
For When You're Struggling - "Struggling means that you're trying and trying means you still have the chance to make it"
For When You're Feeling Sad - "People who are willing to brave your fire in order to enjoy your warmth are worth keeping in your life"
For When You're Feeling Hopeless - "But things work out even if it doesn't feel okay for a long time or even when it feels like things will never be okay again everything works out in the end"
For When You're Not Brave Enough - "To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves"