
Kind Words Project

This project is for people who need some encouragement. I decided to come up with seven phrases and create little banners that would hang on walls or windows. Each banner consists of kraft paper and card stock glued together and then painted in various colors with acrylic paint. Banners will be hung around CSUSB's Visual Arts building. I like making things for others and this project allows me to do that for the people i see nearly everyday. This school, along with it's students, faculty, and staff have been very good to me and i like to show my appreciation in weird ways.

11/03/14: Kind Words Project

1/7: It's not easy but we have to try
2/7: Work hard and stay true
3/7: You're doing your best
4/7: Be brave and be kind
5/7: Do all things with kindness
6/7: Things will work out
7/7: You are good enough